Custom Beef Shares
Buying a Beef Share is the best way to buy beef in bulk and also get it custom cut to your specifications. We ask for a $500.00 deposit to reserve your spot on the schedule. We will take care of all the work, you jut have to tell us how you want you beef cut and then pick it up from the processor when its ready. The Beef is processed by a USDA inspected processor just south of Carthage TX.

Buying options
1/2 Beef
This is one of our most popular options. You get the full side of beef and give you full control of what cuts you want based on your needs
$4.40/lb hanging weight
plus processing fees
If you want to stock up or share with your friends and family this option is for you.
4.20/lb hanging weight
plus processing fees
To reserve your Beef leave a message in the contact link, Email Michael@RisterFarms.com or call 318-458-6921
If interested in smaller packages Shop or retail store and order by the individual cut
About our Beef
Rister Farms breeds and raises all beef on the local farm in Frierson LA. We wean the calves from their mother between 200 and 250 days of age. At weaning we start the feeding process and will feed for a minimum of 150 days . During this feeding period the yearling calf is fed a free choice grower and finisher ration blended by Livestock Nutrition Center along with free choice hay roughage or grass. Our goal is to finish the calf to a live weight of at least 1000-1100 pounds. This weight would insure properly sized steaks, adequate marbling, and tenderness at a hanging weight of approximately 650#. If you purchase a whole or half beef you will have full choice over how you beef is cut and processed.